The other weekend we were having itchy feet and our friends Sarie and Borja proposed us to go for a day trip to Delta de l'Ebre. I always wanted to go there as it is just like where I am from, the Camargue. Beautiful salty swamps with pink flamingos and bulls. LOVE. IT.
I thought I'd share with you some photos from both places as they are close to my heart.
Let's start with PART 1 of Delta de l'Ebre.
We left early(ish) in the morning with two dogs who were a little over excited. That was fun. Two hours. Two dogs. One car.
Bim! We arrived at the first place the satnav sent us, which at first glance looked like another tacky Spanish beach. But we were wrong, very wrong. After going through the little path beside a crappy bar we got stunned by the beautiful dunes and the little wooden pathway.

After walking a few minutes we ended up on a quiet and wide beach that reminded me of the south of France so much I got a little excited and giddy. It was so peaceful, you never see that around Barcelona, hence why I don't like going to the beach there.
We attempted to have a picnic, but with the dogs unleashed it was impossible, they were going crazy, running at people who were being a bit mardy, so we kept them on a leash. Not the best solution neither, I got a bit overwhelmed, as a pretty new dog owner I felt very clueless. Baku kept jumping on the food and Came ran over us with his gigantic wooden sticks. Ha! Oh these crazy doggies, I love them though. They're dope!
We then left in an attempt to find the actual delta, with the salted pond. Back in the car with the dogs who were wet and sandy but pooped.
After driving around for a bit we arrived to this land from another world, we knew we were on the right way. It was like being in Camargue, but in another galaxy.

See the flamingos Came?
Photos by Camille Fleur and GKOKO. All rights reserved.
Be ready for PART 2 on Monday!