Elena, my young sister was staying with us the last few weeks, hence my lack of posts. Total laziness.
On the first weekend she was here we went camping in the Catalan Pyrenees. We always love camping in this part of Spain. It's close, it's cooler (most of the time) and it's freaking beautiful!
We did some research and found the Cardener lake, near Sant Llorenç de Morunys and the Valley of Lord. The lake is actually a water reserve with an impressive dam.
We found this campsite and got "lucky" to get the last slot available (enclosed in a corner of concrete bricks - dreamy). We didn't mind but quickly headed out to explore the area. We followed a small icy river that ended up at the beginning of the lake. The guys at the campsite promised us we could swim there. What a bunch of jokers, what we found was more like a swamp. Anyway, it didn't matter, we went back to the campsite and decided to eat dinner. And oh boy, they made the best pizzas ever! We filled our bellies with ice cream and pizza, pure heaven. Afterwards we went swimming amongst the local kids at the campsite pool, who were all totally crazy.
On the following day our frustrations grew bigger and bigger, driving around the lake trying to find anywhere to stop and jump in the water! The surrounding of the lake was like a cliff. No beach, nothing. We were melting and dreaming of swimming in fresh water. We didn't give up and decided to drive over the dam and see if the river was more friendly.
At the first lay by with a path we stopped and investigated the surroundings. It was MAGICAL! A beautiful, crystal clear river was beckoning us. We walked beside it until we found the perfect spot. Baku was ecstatic, we were in awe and couldn't stop taking photos with every camera we'd taken with us.
And so we went in the river. And we got out straight away, "sweet baby jesus christ on a bike" it was cold. As cold as a brain freeze. Baku didn't care. Charging through the water like a demented Black Beauty. So funny. It was still refreshing though, and we picnicked here, staying a while until we decided to head back to the city...

Et voila, on the way back, looking at Montserrat in an overheated car, we were lethargic and couldn't wait to be finally home.
Have a good week buddies!
Photos by Camille Fleur and GKOKO. All rights reserved.