San Bernardino
After leaving Pioneertown, we drove straight to San Bernardino, as it was getting dark we wanted to stop there before our big drive the day after on Highway 1. Why San Bernardino? Wigwams! Nothing else! There is absolutely nothing to see or do around there. It's probably the dullest part of Route 66. But the Wigwams were to be experienced! As I said, we arrived at night, and were hungry but there was nothing appealing around, and we decided to just nibble on our Wholefoods leftovers and watch crappy TV and relax in this tacky decorated room. I am also pretty convinced it was haunted. The bathroom creeped me out, and the fact I had to go every hour because, you know, pregnancy et all, I can tell you I wasn't thrilled!
The morning after we treated ourselves to a big fat breakfast in a diner. I had the most humongous French toast and Blake ate the biggest omelette I've ever seen in my life. We then took the road up to San Luis Obispo.

Santa Barbara
After passing LA, we randomly stopped in Santa Barbara, finding the city pretty cute and charming. We needed it after our San Bernardino experience, ha!
We parked near the pier and went for a stroll. We encountered some pelicans, ate an ice cream and bought the tackiest postcards. Good times.
We arrived in San Luis Obispo well after dark, so not much to see. We stayed in a super basic Motel 6 so we didn't stick around in the morning and shoot off to Highway 1.

Highway 1
We left San Luis Obispo for the big long drive on Highway 1. The weather was getting bad, foggy and wet. Quite a tricky drive as in some parts we had no visibility at all. We could see the stormy ocean some times and managed to stop to see the Sea Elephants. Beautiful creatures, pretty much like Baku. Adorable kick-ass wrestlers.
We then stopped in Bug Sur for lunch in a wooden cabin, feeling all Christmassy and cosy. Driving in this area would have been so stunning on a clear day, but the scenery was still wonderful. We have to go back!
After a while we arrived in Carmel, for a quick coffee and donut stop! This place was quite something! A mix of Disney architecture and expensive shops selling tacky posh clothes or teacups. Worth a detour!

Have you had the chance to drive the Highway 1? If so, what was your favourite spot?
We then drove all the way to San Francisco, to our meet our friends in the evening. Stay tuned for my next post!
Missed my last one? It was all about Joshua Tree, have a look!
Photos by Camille Fleur and GKOKO. All rights reserved.